Dr. Robert Malone: Anthony Fauci Contracts West Niles Virus; Cop Shot By Breonna Taylor's BF - Sgt John Mattingly; Capitol Police Interacted with Suspect - Steve Baker; Parasite Cleanse - Dr. Jason Dean; Economic Update - Dr. Kirk Elliott | The Brean
J6er's Wife Speaks Out after Being Sentenced to Nearly 6 Years in Prison - Sarah Mcabee; The "Tiktok Ban"; Rebranding Chris Cuomo; Economic Update - Dr. Kirk Elliott | The Breanna Morello Show
Did Secret Service Intentionally Fail President Trump?-Steve Friend; Remembering Lou Dobbs - John Fawcett; Hunter Biden DROPS Lawsuit - Garett Ziegler; Economic Update - Dr. Kirk Elliott; Joe Biden Drops Out Of The Race | The Breanna Morello Show
The Quartering: Effort to Block Reports About Muslim Migrants Raping Europeans; The Media Begs For Forgiveness - Owen Shroyer; House Dems Push Back - Gregg Phillips; Economic Update - Dr. Kirk Elliott | The Breanna Morello Show
Chevron Ruling Cannot be Underplayed - Jeff Clark; Biden Blunders Big Boy Press Conference - Alison Steinberg; More Sanctions on Russia - Dr. Kirk Elliott; Swiss Suicide Clinic - Kelsi Sheren | The Breanna Morello Show
Joe Biden Wants to Bring in Gaza Residents and Give Them Citizenship - Victor Avila; Undercover D.C. Police Officer Disciplined for Participation in J6 ‘Riot’ - Stephen Horn | The Breanna Morello Show
EXCLUSIVE: J6er Sgt Ken Harrelson Speaks Out after Being Released from Prison; Debunking BLM Activist John Sullivan - Steve Baker; Banking Failures Loom - Dr. Kirk Elliott | The Breanna Morello Show