1. Tester: Untold story of Developers 🤣🤣🤣 Amazing

    Tester: Untold story of Developers 🤣🤣🤣 Amazing

  2. A Spain barber shaved his head to support his friend who is currently undergoing cancer treatment❤️🙏

    A Spain barber shaved his head to support his friend who is currently undergoing cancer treatment❤️🙏

  3. The secret of life is to carry the spirit of the child into old age

    The secret of life is to carry the spirit of the child into old age

  4. Movie hackers vs real programmers #fun#frontenddeveloper#backenddeveloper#programmer

    Movie hackers vs real programmers #fun#frontenddeveloper#backenddeveloper#programmer

  5. A real friend never say goodbye ❤️Choose your friend wisely 💗

    A real friend never say goodbye ❤️Choose your friend wisely 💗

  6. The job of an artist is to offer sanctuary of beauty to an ugly world.

    The job of an artist is to offer sanctuary of beauty to an ugly world.

  7. Mercy is the most suitable dress for a person. sharing more becomes a livable world.

    Mercy is the most suitable dress for a person. sharing more becomes a livable world.

  8. There are 2 types of people The ones who do it fast and the ones who take a pause before doing it

    There are 2 types of people The ones who do it fast and the ones who take a pause before doing it

  9. The amount of talent out there is unbelievable#ironman#wonderwoman#kaptainAmerica#hulk#Avengers#art

    The amount of talent out there is unbelievable#ironman#wonderwoman#kaptainAmerica#hulk#Avengers#art

  10. Your life is full of unlimited possibilities; Don't set limits on your unlimited potential.

    Your life is full of unlimited possibilities; Don't set limits on your unlimited potential.

  11. This is your reminder; do what you said you'll do last week, before it will be your last one. OK?!

    This is your reminder; do what you said you'll do last week, before it will be your last one. OK?!

  12. If you can make someone's day; DO IT! 😃

    If you can make someone's day; DO IT! 😃

  13. The power of healing is always in your head and not in somebody else's hands.

    The power of healing is always in your head and not in somebody else's hands.

  14. You always receive what you're willing to give

    You always receive what you're willing to give

  15. 2020..2021. 2022🤷🏼‍♀️ Be grateful whenever you say All Good because life is completely unpredictable

    2020..2021. 2022🤷🏼‍♀️ Be grateful whenever you say All Good because life is completely unpredictable

  16. Love this, a FAMILY is strong when we can all come together.❤️❤️❤️❤️

    Love this, a FAMILY is strong when we can all come together.❤️❤️❤️❤️

  17. Turning waste into art by Artist Deniz Sağdıç

    Turning waste into art by Artist Deniz Sağdıç

  18. تقليد اصوات ممثلين و فنانين مصريين بشكل غير طبيعي 😅😅😅

    تقليد اصوات ممثلين و فنانين مصريين بشكل غير طبيعي 😅😅😅

  19. تقليد ممثلين وفنانين مصريين جامد جدا بشكل غير طبيعي 😅😅😅

    تقليد ممثلين وفنانين مصريين جامد جدا بشكل غير طبيعي 😅😅😅

  20. وصف عجيب للصلاة | الشيخ الشعراوي

    وصف عجيب للصلاة | الشيخ الشعراوي

  21. The reason why dads are superheroes is that they`re always there to guide you when you're in trouble

    The reason why dads are superheroes is that they`re always there to guide you when you're in trouble
