2 years agoVirgo♍ You will finally make a decision to hold on or let go. It's time to make a decision in LOVEScorpio Moon Intuition
2 years agoWhat's in #december2022 Taroscope? #monthlies #zodiac #lotsoflovedream #tarot #2022 #virgoFunny Pets, Holistic Living, Tarot
3 years agoFull Moon in Virgo!! Day Of Miracles ~ QUANTUM ACCESS CORRIDOR to the GREAT CENTRAL SUNwhitegoldeagle
2 years ago♍️Virgo: They felt rejected after the TOWER; but they're so CAUGHT UP on you they can't let you go!MarveMadameTarot
2 years agoVirgo♍ They feel like the outcast, so they left ANGRY, but now they want to work it out!Scorpio Moon Intuition
1 year agoVirgo ♍️ Graduation, Scholoarship, and new Opportunities coming for youMagicalButterflySpirit
2 years agoVirgo💖They don't know what to do anymore, but their friends say, make the effort! Twin Flame ReadingScorpio Moon Intuition
6 years agoVIRGO MAYO 2018-18-29 Abr al 5 May 2018-Amor Solteros Parejas Dinero Trabajo-ARCANOS.COMHoroscopoArcanos
2 years agoVirgo♍ The karmic is no longer an issue! Very soon you will hear but first, you must know this!Scorpio Moon Intuition
2 years agoVirgo🌺A Karmic Partner/Ex-Wife(Husband) return because they don't want to feel like a VICTIM. Say NOScorpio Moon Intuition
2 years agoVirgo♍ They want you to be the parent of their child. But, it is yours? February Love ReadingScorpio Moon Intuition
2 years agoVirgo♍ When your love acts like they LOVE YOU, BUT you have EVIDENCE they LIED! | OCTOBER 2022Scorpio Moon Intuition
2 years agoVirgo♍ Your TRUE LOVE has a hard time TRUSTING. It's because they are BROKEN, you help them to HEAL💗Scorpio Moon Intuition
2 years agoVirgo♍ If only YOU KNEW how much I care for you. I love you! But not ready to commit.Scorpio Moon Intuition
1 year agoOct 8-14 LIFE CHANGING Solar Eclipse! Mars in Scorpio • Venus in Virgo • Weekly Energy Forecastthemoontree
1 year ago#3card readings VIRGO July 2023 #virgo #change #excitement #trustFunny Pets, Holistic Living, Tarot
6 years agoHOROSCOPO VIRGO-Semana 2018-45-Del 4 al 10 de noviembre de 2018-ARCANOS.COMHoroscopoArcanos