#168 Our Election System Is The Definition Of Insanity & #VoteHarder2024 Is Not The Solution - We MUST Ban The Voting Machines By March 5th Or The Country Is DEAD! | JEFF DORNIK & MICHELE SWINICK
L'esercito massonico pagano sionista francese il 3/3/2023 ha tenuto una serie di esercitazioni militari chiamate "Orion 23"(Orione23) nel sud del Paese sulla costa mediterranea ben visibili anche dal Paese confinante l'Italia
La festa degli Angeli custodi 2 ottobre.29 SETTEMBRE la Chiesa commemora la festa liturgica dei santi Arcangeli: San MICHELE San GABRIELE San RAFFAELE.Santi Arcangeli celesti di Dio
Global Digital Passports | How Will CBDCs Snap Into Place? "The Plan Envisioned Is That Every Person Under Earth Will Come Under Dominion & Control of the World Health Organization." - Michele Bachman
Global Digital Passports | "They Weren't Shy to Tell Us What Was Going On (At the WHO Meeting). The Plan Envisioned Is That Every Person Under Earth Will Come Under Dominion & Control of the World Health Organization." - Michele Bachman