8 months agoMy Adventures With Superman, Season 2, Ep 5 "Most Eligible", Review, WARNING SPOILERStrutherbotJOKER
7 months agoMy Adventures With Superman, Season 2, Ep 8 "Death of Clark Kent", Reaction, WARNING SPOILERStrutherbotJOKER
7 months agoMy Adventures With Superman, Season 2, Ep 9, "Pierce the Heavens", Reaction, WARNING SPOILERStrutherbotJOKER
7 months agoMy Adventures With Superman, Season 2, Ep 10 "Supergirl", Reaction, WARNING SPOILERStrutherbotJOKER
1 year agoConspiracy Space - Pizzagate, Reptilian, UFO, Elite, Illuminati, Rothschild, Rockefeller, SorostrutherbotJOKER
1 year agoConspiracy Space - Pizzagate, HenryKissinger, UFO, Illuminati, Rothschild, Rockefeller, Soros, NWOtrutherbotJOKER
1 year agoConspiracy Space - Pizzagate, Reptilian, UFO, Elite, Illuminati, Rothschild, Rockefeller, SorostrutherbotJOKER
1 year agoConspiracy Space - Pizzagate, Reptilian, UFO, Elite, Illuminati, Rothschild, Rockefeller, SorostrutherbotJOKER
1 year agoConspiracy Space - Pizzagate, Reptilian, UFO, Elite, Illuminati, Rothschild, Rockefeller, SorostrutherbotJOKER