1. Bushcraft Camp Build | Gathering and Processing Materials | Ticks Have Taken Over!!

    Bushcraft Camp Build | Gathering and Processing Materials | Ticks Have Taken Over!!

  2. Winter in Haliburton Highlands | Winterdance Dogsled Tours & Heather Lodge Resort |

    Winter in Haliburton Highlands | Winterdance Dogsled Tours & Heather Lodge Resort |

  3. Bushcraft Shanty Natural Materials, Deep Woods Exploring, Fishing and Not Catching ;)

    Bushcraft Shanty Natural Materials, Deep Woods Exploring, Fishing and Not Catching ;)

  4. Bushcraft Lunch in the Woods with my Dog | Fire Prep and Tick Prevention Tips |

    Bushcraft Lunch in the Woods with my Dog | Fire Prep and Tick Prevention Tips |

  5. Bushcraft Chair, Stone Fire Pit, and Lunch on the Coals | A Learning Process

    Bushcraft Chair, Stone Fire Pit, and Lunch on the Coals | A Learning Process

  6. 24hr VERY COLD SOLO WINTER Camp Below -20°c, Wind Storm, Oilskin Tarp, Wool Blanket

    24hr VERY COLD SOLO WINTER Camp Below -20°c, Wind Storm, Oilskin Tarp, Wool Blanket
