Univ of Connecticut Wild & Hostile Crowd As Muslims Stir Dissension, I Tear Apart Islam, One Student Who Rips Up My Tract Humbles Himself Later, "Christian" Belgium Woman Assaults Me, Kicks My Bag, I Call Police, Crowd Swells, Exalting Jesus
FAU: Brother Johnny Returns & Helps Me Preach, Hard Hearted & Hostile Hecklers Argue, Some Pure Hearted Christian Students Arrive To Encourage, A Great Day Of Ministry!
Univ of Pittsburgh: Hypocrite Complains About My Preaching, Mindless Babbler Gets Angry, Ministering To A Gnostic, Sharing My Testimony With A Former Christian
Kansas State Univ: One Hypocrite Claims To Be A Born Again Sinner, Rebuking 2 More Hypocrites, Ministering To A Humble Sinner, Encouraged By A Genuine Christian
Rowan Univ: Humble Student Lost In Sin Seeks Prayer, Skeptic Asks For Proof of the Bible, Angry Islamic Woman, Two Brand New Christian Students Encourage Me