Kash Patel | Are the BRICS Nations De-Dollarizing the World Economy Now? Kash Patel: What's the Truth About the Trump Indictment? What Is the Truth About the Intel Leak of DOD Documents? Why Is China Circling Taiwan? UFC Crowd Celebrates Trump!!!
BRICS | The BRICS-Lead DEDOLLARIZATION Explained By: "We Are Going Down. It Will Be the Biggest Crash In Worl History." - Kiyosaki, Putin, Fred Smith (FedEx Founder), Bannon, Harari, Trump, Payne, Beck, Navarro, Flynn, Schectman, Werner, & M
BRICS | "The BRICS Nations Are Going to Strap A Saddle On the Back of the United States Fiat System & Ride It Into the Sunset." - Jim Rickards (January 19th 2024)
BRICS | Is BRICS On the Verge of Destroying the U.S. Dollar with the 5R Currency System (Rand, Ruble, Rupee, Renminbi, & Rand)? The Connection Between w/ BRICS, the Great Reset, CBDCs and the Internet of Bodies?
Dollar Collapse | "According to the Kremlin, It's Known As the BRICS Bridge Multi-Sided Payment Platform. In Other Words, BRICS Currencies Backed By Gold & Commodities, In Other Words, Goodbye U.S. Dollar." - June 2nd 2024
Bio nano scale machines - these are for injecting into the body, always monitoring the health problems. And that is also going really well, like with these COVID vaccines"
Mel K | Is Worldwide De-Dollarization Happening NOW? The Connection Between the Down Losing 9% of Its Value In September, Gold-Backed Currencies, BRICS, China, Russia, Putin, the Bank of England Financial Collapse and BIS Upgrades of Gold as Tier 1 Asset
BRICS | "13 New Nations Have Been Accepted As Official Partner States of BRICS." - Petrova CPA + "(Losing Dollar As World's Reserve Currency Status) It's Worse Than Losing Any War." - Trump + Will Gold Hit $27,000 Per Ounce