1 year agoAllah Promises To Give You Everything If You Do This!- Mufti Menk - #Islam #Quran #helptruepath
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1 year agoStand up for what is just and Virtuous! Stand up against what is Evil and Unjust!Throughlight786
1 year agoIMAM AL MAHDI AND AKHIR AL ZAMAN Masjid Dar al Ehsaan, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 2011Throughlight786
1 year agoSilence is Golden, The Power of being Silent by Mufti Menk - #Quran #Islam #Hadith #Sunnah #Prophettruepath
1 year agoWhy does Islam allow permission to Kill Animal and to Have Non-veg Food, Dr. Zakir Naik | #Qurantruepath