1. Dad's in ICU with lung cancer&stroke,he’s ventilated&induced coma,what are his chances?(PART1)

    Dad's in ICU with lung cancer&stroke,he’s ventilated&induced coma,what are his chances?(PART1)

  2. My Husband's in ICU with DVT, P-Embolism, Pneumonia on BIPAP, Can He Be Taken Off the Ventilator?

    My Husband's in ICU with DVT, P-Embolism, Pneumonia on BIPAP, Can He Be Taken Off the Ventilator?

  3. My Husband's in ICU with DVT, P-Embolism, Pneumonia on BIPAP, Can He Be Taken Off the Ventilator?

    My Husband's in ICU with DVT, P-Embolism, Pneumonia on BIPAP, Can He Be Taken Off the Ventilator?

  4. My Mother is in ICU for 10 Days with COPD & Ventilation, Does She Need a Tracheostomy or Extubation?

    My Mother is in ICU for 10 Days with COPD & Ventilation, Does She Need a Tracheostomy or Extubation?

  5. Dad's Been in ICU & Now LTAC For 2 Months. They Say End-of-Life Care, They're Not Listening, No PT!

    Dad's Been in ICU & Now LTAC For 2 Months. They Say End-of-Life Care, They're Not Listening, No PT!

  6. My 67 Year Old Mother’s in ICU with Pancreatitis, Multi Organ Failure & Dialysis, Will She Survive?

    My 67 Year Old Mother’s in ICU with Pancreatitis, Multi Organ Failure & Dialysis, Will She Survive?

  7. My 81yr old Husband's in ICU Ventilated&Trache,Dialysis,Liver Failure,ICU's Pushing Palliative Care!

    My 81yr old Husband's in ICU Ventilated&Trache,Dialysis,Liver Failure,ICU's Pushing Palliative Care!

  8. My Mother Passed a 2-Hour Spontaneous Breathing Trial But Isn't Awake, Is She Ready For Extubation?

    My Mother Passed a 2-Hour Spontaneous Breathing Trial But Isn't Awake, Is She Ready For Extubation?

  9. Can INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME Provide Enteral Feeding via PEG Tube for My Brother in Rockhampton?

    Can INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME Provide Enteral Feeding via PEG Tube for My Brother in Rockhampton?

  10. Do ICU patients on ECMO need to be paralyzed? Quick tip for families in Intensive Care!

    Do ICU patients on ECMO need to be paralyzed? Quick tip for families in Intensive Care!

  11. Can My Mother be Extubated After 10 Days Intubation and Ventilation on Pressure Support?

    Can My Mother be Extubated After 10 Days Intubation and Ventilation on Pressure Support?

  12. Not Wanting to Admit Dad in ICU Because of His Age & Condition! Quick Tip for Families in ICU!

    Not Wanting to Admit Dad in ICU Because of His Age & Condition! Quick Tip for Families in ICU!

  13. CABGx5, cardiac arrest,pulmonary fibrosis,120 days ICU, can Dad go home with Intensive Care at Home?

    CABGx5, cardiac arrest,pulmonary fibrosis,120 days ICU, can Dad go home with Intensive Care at Home?

  14. Testimonial: Thank You intensivecarehotline.com for Saving My Mother-in-Law from Being "Brain Dead"!

    Testimonial: Thank You intensivecarehotline.com for Saving My Mother-in-Law from Being "Brain Dead"!

  15. If a Patient is Extubated and Experiences Loss of Kidney Function, is this from Fluid Overload?

    If a Patient is Extubated and Experiences Loss of Kidney Function, is this from Fluid Overload?

  16. Should My 19Year-Old Son on Ventilation&Tracheostomy be Heavily Sedated with Opiates&Benzodiazepines

    Should My 19Year-Old Son on Ventilation&Tracheostomy be Heavily Sedated with Opiates&Benzodiazepines

  17. My Mother Requires 90% Oxygen from the Ventilator and has a Pleural Effusion! How Can She Improve?

    My Mother Requires 90% Oxygen from the Ventilator and has a Pleural Effusion! How Can She Improve?

  18. My Mother's in Hospital on High-flow Nasal Cannula with Pulmonary Fibrosis, Should She Go to LTAC?

    My Mother's in Hospital on High-flow Nasal Cannula with Pulmonary Fibrosis, Should She Go to LTAC?

  19. Can ECMO in ICU for Pulmonary Fibrosis Help My Husband to Survive this Terminal Illness?

    Can ECMO in ICU for Pulmonary Fibrosis Help My Husband to Survive this Terminal Illness?

  20. Quick tip for families in ICU: What does it mean if inotropes or Vasopressors are maxed out?

    Quick tip for families in ICU: What does it mean if inotropes or Vasopressors are maxed out?

  21. Dad's been in ICU for 3 months,ventilated/trachea&docs want to let him die&we want him home(PART1)

    Dad's been in ICU for 3 months,ventilated/trachea&docs want to let him die&we want him home(PART1)

  22. The ICU Team Told My Family that I Wouldn't Survive After Cardiac Arrest! My Family Didn't Give Up!

    The ICU Team Told My Family that I Wouldn't Survive After Cardiac Arrest! My Family Didn't Give Up!

  23. What’s the Life Expectancy With Multi-Organ Failure in ICU? Quick Tip for Families in Intensive Care

    What’s the Life Expectancy With Multi-Organ Failure in ICU? Quick Tip for Families in Intensive Care

  24. My Partner Has a Hypoxic Brain Injury & is in ICU Ventilated with Myoclonic Jerks & Poor Prognosis!

    My Partner Has a Hypoxic Brain Injury & is in ICU Ventilated with Myoclonic Jerks & Poor Prognosis!
