4 years agoRehabilitating a 6 & 1/2 month old dog...(Correction, I had the dog 8 days when this video was made)Bandogs & APBTs by American Sentinel K9
4 years agoTops Knives - the Silent Hero & other Tops knives for Hog HuntingBandogs & APBTs by American Sentinel K9
1 year agoGrowth & expansion of the American Sentinel K9 programBandogs & APBTs by American Sentinel K9
1 year agoFemale pups off Frankie-Bomp x Komodo at 7 wks todayBandogs & APBTs by American Sentinel K9
1 year agoFemale pups off Frankie-Bomp x Komodo & 10 wks (born 30)Bandogs & APBTs by American Sentinel K9
1 year agoFemale pups off Cobalt x Onyx @ 10 wks (born May 31st)Bandogs & APBTs by American Sentinel K9
3 years agoWhat legends Pat Patrick & Madison Parker say about our programBandogs & APBTs by American Sentinel K9
1 year agoProduct reviews:World’s Best Brass Hose Nozzle” companyBandogs & APBTs by American Sentinel K9