1. Info #150-Myths of Citizen"ship" vs national vs National of the U S - Allegiance is the key

    Info #150-Myths of Citizen"ship" vs national vs National of the U S - Allegiance is the key

  2. Episode 194-HISAdvocates.TV-Americans Are Not Victims - We Are Responsible For What Is Happening!!!

    Episode 194-HISAdvocates.TV-Americans Are Not Victims - We Are Responsible For What Is Happening!!!

  3. Episode 186-HISAdvocates.TV-Kelby Sets the Record Straight with Pastors Need for Romans 13

    Episode 186-HISAdvocates.TV-Kelby Sets the Record Straight with Pastors Need for Romans 13

  4. My income is mostly Social Security-Will this affect me as a non-resident alien?

    My income is mostly Social Security-Will this affect me as a non-resident alien?

  5. Info #205-A Free Warning To Dump Your Cash Now from HISAdvocates.org

    Info #205-A Free Warning To Dump Your Cash Now from HISAdvocates.org

  6. Info #162-The "Why" You Would Want to Dissolve all Adhesion Contracts/Trusts

    Info #162-The "Why" You Would Want to Dissolve all Adhesion Contracts/Trusts

  7. Do I need to payoff my loan or mortgage to put my house into the Foundation

    Do I need to payoff my loan or mortgage to put my house into the Foundation

  8. Training-The Best Advance Chain of Title & Forensic Examination of a Loan Training

    Training-The Best Advance Chain of Title & Forensic Examination of a Loan Training

  9. My letters for the IRS are confusing in that will I need to still file returns ever

    My letters for the IRS are confusing in that will I need to still file returns ever

  10. Episode 190-HISAdvocates.TV-State of the Union Citizen vs Sovereign citizen

    Episode 190-HISAdvocates.TV-State of the Union Citizen vs Sovereign citizen
