2 years ago10.30.2022 (PM) 2 Samuel 6: Lessons from Uzzah & the New Cart | Pastor Bruce Mejia, First Works Baptist ChurchHard Preaching
2 years ago12.14.2022 | 1 Timothy 6: Godliness with Contentment is Great Gain | Pastor Kevin Sepulveda, New Life Baptist ChurchHard Preaching
2 years ago11.13.2022 (PM) Isaiah 51 | The Reproach of Men | Pastor Jonathan Shelley, Stedfast Baptist ChurchHard Preaching
2 years ago12.18.2022 (AM) Joshua 1 (Psalm 1): Memorizing Scripture | Pastor Steven Anderson, Faithful Word Baptist ChurchHard Preaching
2 years ago10.30.2022 (PM) 1 John 3: Inherently Sinful | Pastor Jonathan Shelley, Stedfast Baptist ChurchHard Preaching
2 years ago10.12.2022 Proverbs 9: Whoso is simple, let him turn in hither | Pastor Steven Anderson, Faithful Word Baptist ChurchHard Preaching
2 years ago12.25.2022 (AM) Luke 2: Good Will Toward Men | Pastor Steven Anderson, Faithful Word Baptist ChurchHard Preaching
2 years ago09.21.2022 Luke 13:18-35 Kingdom Work, Pastor Roger Jimenez, Verity Baptist ChurchHard Preaching
2 years ago10.12.2022 Luke 16:10-18 | Principles of Stewardship | Pastor Roger Jimenez, Verity Baptist ChurchHard Preaching
2 years ago10.26.2022 Luke 17:20-37 | How the Teaching of Jesus Disproves the Pre-Trib Rapture | Pastor Roger Jimenez, Verity Baptist ChurchHard Preaching
2 years ago10.30.2022 (PM) Luke 18:9-14 | The Parable of the Pharisee & the Publican | Pastor Roger Jimenez, Verity Baptist ChurchHard Preaching
2 years ago10.30.2022 (AM) Luke 18:1-8 | The Parable of the Unjust Judge | Pastor Roger Jimenez, Verity Baptist ChurchHard Preaching
2 years ago11.13.2022 (PM) Luke 19:28-48 | The Triumphant Entry Into Jerusalem | Pastor Roger Jimenez, Verity Baptist ChurchHard Preaching