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5 years agoEmanuel Macron Demands UK Aligns With EU Rules In Future Trade Deal Making No Deal More LikelyWE GOT A PROBLEM
5 years agoThe EU Demanded An Extra £1 Billion Payment From The UK On Brexit Day Taxing Our GrowthWE GOT A PROBLEM
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4 years agoRemoaners Project Fear Proved Wrong Yet Again, Brexit Britain Favoured Over The EUWE GOT A PROBLEM
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4 years agoYou Couldn't Make It Up, But They Can! Remoaning Labour Peers & Lying Journalist's ExposedWE GOT A PROBLEM
4 years agoEuro scepticism Grows Within The EU as Recession Could End The Euro CurrencyWE GOT A PROBLEM
4 years agoThe Brexit Delay Bill & Ranting Barnier Shows Us The Remainers Are Getting DesperateWE GOT A PROBLEM
4 years agoThe Recent Flurry of Remainer Attempts To Delay Brexit Shows Us Something ImportantWE GOT A PROBLEM
4 years agoThe Emily Maitliss Diatribe Of Lefty Liberal Wokery On Newsnight Exposes The BBC BiasWE GOT A PROBLEM