Bill Gates | Why Is Bill Gates Pushing a Plan to Chop Down & Bury 70 Million Acres of Trees to ‘Fight Global Warming’? Why Is Bill Gates Wanting to Ban Cows? "Science Is Mainly About Gaining Power, Gaining Power Over the World." - Yuval
BRICS | "Over 60 Countries Have Applied or Are In the Process of Applying for BRICS & When You Put BRICS Together w/ Two Other Groups, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization & the Belt Road Initiative (Over 150 Countries)." - Andy Schectm
Elon Musk | Why Is the Pro-Communist WELT Documentary Group Promoting, Celebrating & Elevating Elon Musk (WATCH)? The WELT Group Is Part of the German Mediahouse Axel Springer SE
Mark of the Beast | Using Chips In the Hand to Pay for Things? What Is Walletmor? "What Is CBDC Going to Look Like? It Will Be Implanted UNDER YOUR SKIN." - Professor Richard Werner
Weeknd | If You Wanted to See A Spectacular Satanic Cultish Prophesy Through a Post-Apocalyptic World, That Is What the Weeknd Delivered At His June 12th 2023 Etihad Stadium Concert??
CBDCs | Dr. Eric Nepute | "Several Central Banks Have Already Prepared Their Microchip Implant, RFID Chip CBDCs to Be Implanted Under Your Skin." - Richard Werner + Why Is the World Economic Forum Declaring Pedophiles ‘Will Save Humanity’?
CBDC | "You Can Now Pay for Your Panera Sandwich With the Palm of Your Hand. The Restaurant Chain Partnering with To Test Its Palm Reading Technology." - Yahoo! Finance (March 26th 2023)