Satanist and Pedophile Donald Trump Keeps Deceiving More and More Christians, Christians Keep Watching Porn, Israel Attacks Iran, Kamala The Perfect Villian To Propel Wicked Trump Into Power, Judgment Is Coming To The USA Very Soon
Trump Declares Himself King, Musk Still Supports MRNA Vaccines, Dr. Exposes Fraud of Vaccines, Liberals Calling For Violent Revolution And How It Ties Into Duduman Prophecy About End of USA
My Video Exposing Trump As A Trans-Gender Pervert Goes Viral, My Prophetic Word To The USA, Trump Attends Al Smith Dinner, Hypocrisy of Anons, Obama & Biden Lip Reading, Elon Musk In PA, The Unholy Trifecta, Dave Ramsey Used By Anons To Prop Up Evil