Sam Houston State University: Dealing w/ Luke Warm Christians Defending Sin, Then the Homosexuals Come Out, One Student Dressed In Full Clown Suit Mocks the Gospel, Exalting Jesus Christ to A Lively Crowd
Trump's Sodomite Loving Ways, Satanic Fraternal Order of Police, Tucker the Kabbalist and Russell Brand The New Ager Exalt A False Christ, Trump Proclaims He Will Be The Savior Of The World, CNN Again Exposes Kamala, Trump Offers Elon A Position
Univ of Michigan: Angry Sodomite Spits On Me Twice, Attempts To Steal My Banner, Security Call Cops, Sodomite Is Handcuffed And Arrested, I Press Charges, I Rebuke A Wicked Baptist Refusing Shabbat, I Warn The Campus About Trump Being The Anti Christ
Indiana State Indianapolis: Wicked Catholic Defends His Sin, He Eventually Sits At My Feet, Sincere Christian Searches the Bible To Ensure I Am Speaking Truth & Rejoices At My Preaching, I Warn the Students of Trump Being The Anti Christ, Prophetic Da
Univ of Maryland: Reproving the Pedophilia In Islam/Stomping on Koran, Reproving the Pedophilia in the Babylonian Talmud-Rebuking The Unbelieving Jews, Exalting Jesus Christ! A Wicked Reprobate Claims You Can Have Holy Spirit While Murdering!!!!
Holy Spirit Prophetic Word Given to Me about You Wicked Parents in the USA Who Refuse to Teach Your Children to Love Jesus Christ, walk in the Hebrews 8 Covenant, and obey Yah
Northern Kentucky U: Students Waiting For Me When I Arrived, A Black Woman Asks Many Questions But Then Becomes A Mocker, Exalting the Gospel of Jesus, Passing Out Gospel Tracts To Hungry Students At The End