2 years agoSPIRIT SPEAKS💫MESSAGE FROM YOUR LOVED ONE IN SPIRIT #105 ~ spirit reading with tarotLillian Rajkovich, Medium/Tarot
1 year agoSPIRIT SPEAKS💫MESSAGE FROM YOUR LOVED ONE IN SPIRIT #162 ~ spirit reading with tarotLillian Rajkovich, Medium/Tarot
2 years agoVirgo ~ HAPPINESS IS COMING *Libra give me a moment to find your reading 👽lost and found tarot
2 years agoLEO ♌️ YOU CAN FINALLY AGREE AND MOVE AHEAD ♌️ leo tarot readingLillian Rajkovich, Medium/Tarot
1 year agoSEPTEMBER 23 2023 🍁THE AUTUMN EQUINOX🍂 JOIN ME 4 FOR A VIRTUAL CUP OF COFFEE☕ #spirituality #5dSunshine4theSoul414
2 years agoVIRGO ♍️ UNITING WITH A SPECIAL PERSON ♍️ virgo tarot readingLillian Rajkovich, Medium/Tarot
1 year agoVIRGO JACKPOT WINNER!!💸❤️💲💕❤️✨👉OCTOBER 2023❤️💲💕✨💰❤️💸 Lucky Lotto Numbers. #tarot #lottonumbersTarot Readings
2 years agoVIRGO ♍️ PERSONAL ~ AUGUST 2022 ~ spirit guided timeless tarotLillian Rajkovich, Medium/Tarot
2 years agoGEMINI ♊️ IT ALL FALLS ON YOUR SHOULDERS, BUT THEN... ♊️ Gemini tarot readingLillian Rajkovich, Medium/Tarot
2 years agoSPIRIT SPEAKS💫MESSAGE FROM YOUR LOVED ONE IN SPIRIT #144 ~ spirit reading with tarotLillian Rajkovich, Medium/Tarot