Ivanka Trump | "Right Now I'm Reading Something Which Is Pushing It For Me, Outside of My Normal Genre Called the Diamond Age. I Actually Reread Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Which Is a Blast!" - January 13th 2024
Fake Science | Leonard Nimoy "The Threat of An Ice Age Is Not As Remote As They Once Thought. During the Lifetime of Our Grandchildren, Arctic Cold And Perpetual Snow Could Turn Most of the Inhabitable Portions of Our Planet Into a Polar"
Yuval Noah Harari | "From Quite an Early Age I Understand That the Bible Was Not Exactly the Truth, the Whole Truth And Nothing But the Truth." - Yuval Noah Harari
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny | "In Men Under The Age Of 40, When They Get A Pfizer Shot, The Risk Of Myocarditis Nearly Doubles After The First Shot, Doubles Again After The Second Shot, And It Goes Up To 8x The Risk Myocarditis If You get A Booster."