Aliens & UFO's + Angels, Humans, and Demons; Enoch and Tarot! (8/13/23) — More for the Spiritual Than for the Only-Just-Awakening Lower Vibrational [SJW "Truther" (A Lower-Level Phase of the Awakening Process)]. | Michael Mirdad
The TRAP in the Self-Improvement Journey?? The Direct Path Vs. The Indirect Path: 2 Spiritual Methods Explained! — Aaron Abke | WE in 5D: Goes Well with the Opening Monologue of My Recent Full Moon in Leo 1/25/24 Collective Reading.
SHOCKING PAIRING: Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson Interviews Spiritual Teacher Aaron Abke | WE in 5D: “A Lovely Interaction That I Don’t Think I Could Pull Off Nearly as Nicely—But the Rev. was Also Very Graceful. This is 5D Sifting for its Inhabitants!”
The Celestine Prophecy (2006 Full Movie) | Metaphysical/Spiritual/Adventure/Thriller | A Story About Prime Earth (AKA 5D Earth) and Departing From #TheBackfillPeople