Elon Musk | "What Is My Philosophy? I Read Hitchhikers to the Galaxy...Earth It Turns Out Is a Big Computer & Its' Goal Is to Answer the Question What Is the Meaning of Life? Earth Comes Up With the Answer 42." + Rev 11, 13 & Dan 13
Yuval Noah Harari | "Theologies Claim There Is Something Wrong w/ Human Nature Which Causes Us to Be Evil & Only An Outside Force Can Come Save Us. The Problem Is In Our Information." + Antivirus for the Mind? + Rev 17:13
JESUS | When Is JESUS Coming Back? Why Is Yuval Noah Harari Leading Protests In Israel? 2nd Peter 3:8, Psalms 90, Hosea 6:1-2, Exod 19:11, Rev 13:5, 2nd Thess 2:9-11, “Be Not ignorant of This One Thing, That One Day Is As a Thousand Years."
Lucifer | Why Did God Create Lucifer? Why Did God Not Destroy Lucifer? How Did Lucifer Become Satan & Deceive the Whole Earth? Disease X & What Does the Bible Say Will Happen Next? (Rev 16:12-14, Ezekiel 28:12-14, Rev 20:10 & Isaiah 14:12-15)
CLUB OF ROME | Why Did Klaus Schwab Say? "World Economic Forum At That Time Launched the CLUB OF ROME Report (Calling for 10 Economic Kingdoms)" | Rev 17:12 "Thou Sawest 10 Kings" | Transhumanism, CERN, WEF, Harari, Israel, Inflation,
John Rich | "Read What the Bible Has Says About It, & If They Are Opposed to It, Then They Are Wrong & They Are Basically Against the Ultimate Truth (The Bible)." + Neuralink, Peter Thiel, Human-A.I. Symbiosis, Musk & Rev 17:13
CLUB OF ROME | Why Did Klaus Schwab Say? "World Economic Forum At That Time Launched the CLUB OF ROME Report (Calling for 10 Economic Kingdoms)" | Rev 17:12 "Thou Sawest 10 Kings" | Transhumanism, CERN, WEF, Harari, Israel, Inflation,
42 | Why Did Elon Musk Say, “I Read Douglas Adams Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Which Is a Book On Philosophy In the Form of Humor...The Answer Is 42, Basically Earth Is a Giant Computer & It Came Up w/ the Answer 42.” + Rev 11:1-2 & 13:
Elon Musk | What Does the Bible Have to Say About Elon Musk's Fourth Industrial Revolution & Artificial Intelligence Agenda? Rev 18:22, Rev 17: 12-13, Rev 6:1-2, Rev 13: 16-18, Rev 13:13, Rev 16:12-14, Daniel 2:43
Woke Mind Virus | "I Vowed to Destroy the Woke Mind Virus." - Elon Musk + "We Need An Antivirus for the Brain." - Yuval Noah Harari | Problem = Woke Mind Virus? Solution = Antivirus for the Brain + Rev 17:13, 2nd Timothy 3:1-5
HR 6090 | Charlie Kirk, "Did House of Representatives Just Make Parts of the Bible Illegal?" Tucker Carlson, "Yes. The New Testament." What Does HR 6090 Antisemitism Awareness Act Mean? + Rev 16:12-14, Mark 13, Luke 21, Matt 24