What Is Executive Order 14067? (Part 2) | Does the Central Bank Digital Currency / Programmable Currency / Mark of the Beast / Social Credit Score System Begin On December 13th 2022?
Ukraine | Why Is Ukraine the First Country to Implement Klaus Schwab's Great Reset? Why Is Ukraine the First Country to Fulfill Klaus Schwab's CBDC, Digital ID, Vaccine Passport, Universal Basic Income, Social Credit Score Vision?
Robert Kiyosaki & James Rickards | "If You Donate Money to Donald Trump, You May Find That Your Account Is Frozen." The Connection Between the Chinese Social Credit System, Black Mirror & Executive Order 14067
Central Bank Digital Currency will be ‘programmable… ultimately giving the issuer control over *how it is spent by the recipient*… your freedom to purchase fuel, meat, flights, fertiliser… will be limited to a carbon credit score.