Business Podcast | How to Maintain & Manage a High Level of Quality Control By Developing the Habit of Doing More Than Paid For + 8 Long-Time Clay Clark Client Success Stories (Doctor Edwards, Doctor Johnson & More!!!)
Branding | Branding 101 w/ Michael Levine (The PR consultant of choice for Nike, Pizza Hut, George Carlin, Michael Jackson, Prince, etc.) + Why Advertising Is What You Pay for And Why Public Relations Is What You Pray For + Ryan Wimpey Success Story
APerfectClean.Net | Clay Clark Client Success Story | Brian Mukabi Shares How Implementing Clay's Proven Systems Increased His Recurring Revenue By 360% Including: Merit-Based Pay, Search Engine Optimization & Sales Systems
Entrepreneur Podcasts | How Public Relations Works + Teaching How Michael Levine's Tiffany Theory Works (An Interview w/ Legendary PR Guru) | Why Advertising Is What You Pay For & PR Is What Your Pray For + PRO-Tips for Being Poor
Business Podcast | How to Create Repeatable & Scalable Business Systems (Nail It & Scale It) Or You Will Create Perpetual Chaos | Examples (Where Are My Passwords? Where Did That Tool Go? Did That Client Pay Us Or Not?)