2 months agoR&B Monthly Seminar: R&B Armed Forces Fellowship (Episode #13 -- Tuesday, January 21st, 2025). MADAM Co-Chairs: Nancy Kobrin, PhD (Tel Aviv, ERETZ YISRAEL). MS. Sharon Lira (Greenwwod, South Carolina, U.S.A.)R&B Assn., Ltd. F.I.M. Armed Forces FellowshipVerified
2 months agoR&B Monthly Seminar: R&B Ancient Roots Mothering (Episode #31 -- Wednesday, January 15th, 2025). MADAM Co-Chairs: MRS. J. Rivkah Asoulin and MRS. Chava Dagan (ERETZ YISRAEL). MRS. Gilla Weiss (U.S.A.)R&B Assn., Ltd. F.I.M. Ancient Roots MotheringVerified
11 months agoR&B Weekly Seminar: R&B Medical Fellowship (Episode #126 -- Tuesday, March 26th, 2024). Co-Chairs: Tzvi Livshits, Frank Zelenko. Speaker: Lowell Joseph Gallin. Topic: "How Lowell got to work with Dr. Vladimir Zelenko"R&B Assn., Ltd. F.I.M. Medical FellowshipVerified