10 months ago18 Million People Under Severe Storm Treat - More Than 300 Buried In Papua New Guinea LandslideRolling With You
4 months agoAn indigenous tribe in Papua New Guinea dances in powerful support for Israel!War-in-IsraelVerified
11 months agoDana Loesch Reacts To Biden Getting SCOLDED By Papua New Guinea Over Cannibals | The Dana ShowThe Dana Show with Dana LoeschVerified
2 years agoEXPOSED: Fauci KNEW Kids Would Die Orphans Force Fed Toxic Drugs, Used As Guinea Pigs in ExperimentStew Peters NetworkVerified
6 months agoDocumentario GUINEA PIG KIDS: “La feroce barbarie dei progetti scientifici del dottor Fauci”Roberto1965
1 year agoDerkach Says Burisma Paid Joe Biden 900K, New Guinea Problems, Biden Impeachment, Epstein RobbedWE ARE THE NEWS (WATN)Verified
11 months agoCNN may be cracking cannibal jokes, Papua New Guinea's Prime Minister isn't laughing.galacticstorm
11 months agoJesse Watters: Diplomatic relations between the US & New Guinea have hit an all-time low.galacticstorm