Yuval Noah Harari | "Is a Human Trapped Within a Room Losing Connection to the Real World? Or Is It a Human Being Liberated from Restrictions of the Biological Body & Liberating Their Spirit to Wander Around the Immaterial Heavenly Realm of Cyber
Advanced Nanomaterials For Water Treatment Comprising Carbon Nanotubes, Carbon And Graphene Quantum Dots And Graphene-Based Nanomaterials - Being Used For Water "Treatment" Worldwide #WatchTheWater
Bidirectional remote deep brain control with magnetic anisotropic nanomaterials - Biodigital Convergence, Bioconvergence, HORIZONS EU, Policy Horizons Canada
Yuval Noah Harari | "What Is the Role of Our Bodies? Is the Point to Release Our Mind or Our Soul from This to Exist In an Immaterial Realm? This Theological Battle from 2,000 Years Is Now Becoming a Real Battle."
James Giordano | "You Can Aerosolize Nanomaterials. I Can Create Small Robotic Units, Controllable Robotic Units At the Nanoscale And That These Too Can Be Aerosolized."