Wireless Body Area Sensor Networks: MAC and Routing Protocols for Patient Monitoring under IEEE 802.15.4 and IEEE 802.15.6 - NASA Thz Biosensing nano (SAI)
COVID-19 Shots | "Human Cells Were Meant to Make Human Proteins. The Lipid Nano Particles Are Toxic. The Spike Proteins from the Shots Are Toxic. We Cannot Afford to Alter the Immune System of Humanity Moving Forward." - Dr. Ryan Cole
This is all i could say to anyone that got on the ingestable 'supliments' refferal links train without doing some homework and cross references with nano tech first.
National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) - Nanotechnology - Nanosensors - nanoscale network - Molecular nanotechnology - Intrabody Molecular Communication - The Internet of Bio-Nano Things (IoBNT) 6G
James Giordano | Why Is Dr Giordano Talking About the Medical Branches of NATO Conjuring Up Some Nano-Particulate Dust That Can Cause Stroke Epidemics? "Nano-Particulate Stroke or a Hemorrhagic Diathesis (People Having Brain Bleeds)."