SIGHTINGS: A Highway's Deadly Crack in Time, ET’s Return to Their Old Crash Sight(?), the Power of Your Mind, Bazar Animal Mutilations Continue, and More! (S3 E15) | [Vintage TV Before the CIA Had Full Grasp]
The Gilgamesh Project | "(Hitler & Stalin) What Would They Do W/ the Technology That I'm Developing?" - Yuval Noah Harari + "If You Look At the Book of Professor Harari You See Brain Advancement." - Klaus Schwab + "Our Sp
Sage Steele & Corey DeAngelis: To Escape Government Education's "Woke Mind Virus" We Must Have School Choice Nationwide (And Donald Trump Agrees) – Ask Dr. Drew
The Subconscious Mind Holds ALL of Your Power, Powerlessness, and Potential Power! It is the Cause for Expression of DNA. It is Why Disease (E.g. Cancer) Lies within the Ancestral Lineages (DNA) of Some, and may Express itself if Ignited. | Bradley Nelson