Dr. Bartlett + Dr. Mikovits | New Bat Lab In CO? "Denver Health Doctors Have Just Been Vaccinated with a LIVE Ebola Vaccine." - Dr. Bartlett + “In 1996 I Created the Cell Line That Manufactured Ebola Zaire At Fort Detrick.” - Dr. Mikovits
Dr. Mikovits + Dr. Bartlett | New Bat Lab In CO? "Denver Health Doctors Have Just Been Vaccinated with a LIVE Ebola Vaccine." - Dr. Bartlett + “In 1996 I Created the Cell Line That Manufactured Ebola Zaire At Fort Detrick.” - Dr. Mikovits
Biden: "The last thing this country needs, after all we've been through, is a manufactured crisis ... It's a manufactured crisis driven by the MAGA Republicans in the Congress"
WATCH 24x7! Dec.8,'24: PART TWO The Left Wants us to Eat Bugs. And synthetic proteins, and fake, manufactured foods made by toxic junk food chemistry and about every idea for a toxic, non organic food source designed to fail