General Flynn | 4 Updates | Why Are the World's Central Banks Buying Massive Amounts of Gold? Why Did Elon Musk Post? "We Are On the Event Horizon of the Singularity?" + "Grok 3 AI Girlfriend or Boy Friend Is (Fire)."
Carbon Tax | What Is a Carbon Tax? How Will a Carbon Tax Impact Your Life? "My Top Recommendation Would Be to Just Have a Carbon Tax." - Elon Musk + Carbon Taxes & Digital ID Control Grid 101
Alex Jones | Why Did Alex Jones Make the Following Statement About Elon Musk In 2023? | "Elon May Be the Antichrist." - Alex Jones (2023) + "There Is Perhaps Still a Role for Humans In That We May Give AI Meaning." - Elon Musk
The Singularity | "We Are On the Event Horizon of the Singularity." - Elon Musk (2/23/25 5:51 PM) + What Is the Singularity? "There Will Be An Apocalyptic Event That Ends Everything We Know, Called the Singularity." - Jaron Lanier
Elon Musk | Why Did Elon Post the Following On X? "Grok 3 AI girlfriend or boyfriend is." - Elon Musk (February 24th 2024) + "We Are On the Event Horizon of the Singularity." - Elon Musk (2/23/25 5:51 PM)
Elon Musk | "Something That I Think Is Going to Be Quite Important Is a Neural Lace (A Brain-Computer Interface). If You Have Ultra Intelligent AI, We Would Be So Far Below Them, We Would Be Like a Pet, Like a House Cat." - 6/1/2016
MUST-WATCH Edition Of The Alex Jones Show: AG Bondi Confirms That Former FBI Director James Comey Is The Leader Of A Long-Running Shadow Deep State Coup Inside The FBI, And Is Behind The Illegal Withholding Of The Epstein Files! — FULL SHOW (2/28/25)