1 year agoPeople injured by the vaccine having incredible results with hydrogen peroxide, says Bryan Ardis, DCBiological Medicine
1 year ago5G radiation is a far greater threat than the vaccine, says Reinier FuellmichBiological Medicine
1 year ago5G is a weapon, it can kill people, it can create any symptom, says Reiner FuellmichBiological Medicine
2 months agoNano structures found in Pfizer vaccine that "expand" in the presence of EMF (5G), Dr. David NixonBiological Medicine
1 year agoIf I had young children, I would not give them any childhood vaccines, says Pierre Kory, MDBiological Medicine
1 year agoBlood clots are forming 1.5 years after the last shot of the COVID vaccine says Peter McCullough, MDBiological Medicine
1 year agoThe formation of the W.H.O. was an outgrowth of the 1913 Eugenics Office, says David Martin, PhDBiological Medicine
1 year agoThe COVID-19 vaccine appears to be forming "electrical circuits" notes Matt TaylorBiological Medicine
2 years agoDoctor exposes blood to vaccine, reaction same as when exposed to snake venomBiological Medicine
1 year agoCOVID vaccines cause heart problems, neurological problems, blood clots, immune problems, McCulloughBiological Medicine
1 year agoThere was NO excess mortality from COVID-19 before the vaccine, says Reiner FuellmichBiological Medicine
1 year agomRNA vaccines promote cancer, heart damage, blood clots, inflammation, says Peter McCullough, MDBiological Medicine
1 year agoIn people over 80, the risk of death is 5-20% PER INJECTION, says Denis Rancourt, PhDBiological Medicine
1 year agoCOVID-19 vaccines have created a constant state of illness and death notes Del BigtreeBiological Medicine
1 year agoThey murdered 66 children in vaccine group, 28 children in control group, says David Martin, PhDBiological Medicine
2 years agoBlood clots are forming 1.5 years after the last shot of the COVID vaccine says Peter McCullough, MDBiological Medicine
1 year agoThe vaccines cause the body to make spike protein which is making people sick, Larry Palevsky, MDBiological Medicine
1 year agoCOVID vaccines will increase Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, ALS, Cancer and Autoimmune DisordersBiological Medicine
1 year agoEvery symptom of COVID, of Remdesivir and of the vaccines explained by snake venom poisoningBiological Medicine