Geneva, Switzerland | Why Are CERN, the World Economic Forum, a Statue of Shiva, the Google Quantum Computer, the World Health Organization & GAVI All Located In Geneva, Switzerland? Final ReAwaken Tour Detroit, MI (June 7-8 2024)
666 | REAL EYES REALIZE REAL LIES | WEF Logo = 666, CERN Logo = 666, Google Chrome Logo = 666, WWW = 6666, CORONA = 666, HR 6666 = Forced Vaccination, WO-2020-060606 = MARK OF THE BEAST
Artificial Intelligence | Adiabatic Quantum Computation (AQC) Technology | Mike Adams & Zach Vorhies + "We Are Dealing With An EXOTIC Hyper-Intelligent Life Form. We Are Past the Point of No Return." - Zach Vorhies (Google Whistleblower)
Simple google results of Vaccine 💉 ingredients takes 2 minutes has anyone you know that is Jabbed even looked into what they are putting in there body?
Great Reset | "We Got to Do Alot of Epic SH$% When I Was At DARPA. What We Plan to Do Is to Advance A Tattoo That Could Be Used for Authentication. Vitamin Authentication? This Pill Has a Small Chip Inside of It." - Google's Regina Dugan