Pastor Greg Locke | "We Are Where We Are Because We Have Too Many Mamby-Pamby, Limp Wisted Preachers, Who Won't Bow Their Back Like A Benny Rooster And Preach The Word Of God"
Julie Green | Julie Green Shares 8 Recent Prophetic Words: A Political Storm About to Hit America? Another Presidential Debate Disaster? Life & Death of a Nation, Psalm 33:10, 126 Nations to Ditch the Dollar?
FOC Show: There are 2 Massive Events Coming… All Leading to September! - Bo Polny; Are You Affected? The Test that Can Identify COVID or Vaccine Injuries - Dr. Troy Spurrill
Julie Green | "God's Got This!" - Julie Green | Prophetic Word for President Trump "My David, I Am Speaking to You Again. You Will See the Enemies of Yours Fall!" (6/26/24) + Kim Clement's 2007 Trump Prophecies
Grok | What Does Grok & Singularity Mean? “Grok is a word from a Heinlein novel, Stranger in a Strange Land. It's used by a guy who's raised on Mars. The word ‘grok’ is to fully and profoundly understand something..." - Elon Musk