The Mini-Munsters (1973 Animated TV Special) | Cynthia Adler, Bobby Diamond, Ron Feinberg, Henry Gibson, Al Lewis, Richard Long, Arnold Stang, Jack DeLeon. | #HappyHalloween 🎃
The Last Unicorn (1982 Animated Movie) | Fantasy/Adventure | An Entity (The Unicorn) Forgets Who it is After Becoming Human.. Just Like You Have, and Wants Human Experiences; EVEN WILLING to Be Mortal. It Became Addicted. This is it's Adventure.
Hoppity Goes to Town (1941 Full Animated Movie) | Fantasy/Family | Kenny Gardner, Gwen Williams, Jack Mercer, Tedd Pierce, Carl Meyer, Stan Freed, Pauline Loth. | #DaveFleischerAppreciation