Isn't it great when the military Industrial complex openly admits to targeting every individual on the map through digital technologies, including social media, autonomous weapons, and CRISPR gene editing bio-convergence technologies?
15 Nov 2018 Biodefense Indicators: Progress in Implementing Key Elements of the National Blueprint for Biodefense, Hudson Institute "China paid 100 million dollars for genetic records of Americans"
Biodigital Convergence: It's Not Hard To Understand! It's Just Really Ugly And In Every Industry! Military,Commercial, Healthcare & Politics CONVERGED!
ARPA-H POSEIDON Proposers' Day Presentation Video (9/4/24) The Platform Optimizing SynBio for Early Intervention and Detection in ONcology, or POSEIDON, program aims to fundamentally change the field of cancer screening
Bio/Nano Research Group at Autodesk Research the goal of the Autodesk Bio/Nano Research group is to explore the intersection of design with life and material sciences.
Carbon Nanotubes for Digital Logic - Exceptional electronic properties of carbon nanotubes, coupled with their small size, makes them ideal materials for future nanoelectronic devices. IBM
6G Connecting a cyber-physical world, Johan Söder, Global 6G Conference 2024 The Global 6G Conference stands as the premier international conference in the 6G domain