1. Is Adam Aron telling alleged Yes voters to write letters to AMC Judge because he is afraid?

    Is Adam Aron telling alleged Yes voters to write letters to AMC Judge because he is afraid?

  2. Does Adam Aron and the AMC board unvested shares reverse split 10-1 also? Adam Aron has no answer

    Does Adam Aron and the AMC board unvested shares reverse split 10-1 also? Adam Aron has no answer

  3. AMC goes up Adam Aron puts out negative news to push price down Now we are down he is silent Why?

    AMC goes up Adam Aron puts out negative news to push price down Now we are down he is silent Why?

  4. Is the AMC play over? Does Adam Aron decisions benefit retail investors or AMC Shorters?

    Is the AMC play over? Does Adam Aron decisions benefit retail investors or AMC Shorters?

  5. Is Adam Aron job to put out negative news every time AMC has a positive catalyst? It appears so

    Is Adam Aron job to put out negative news every time AMC has a positive catalyst? It appears so

  6. Adam Aron earned 8 million APE AMC shares through performance bonuses No retail investors no bonus?

    Adam Aron earned 8 million APE AMC shares through performance bonuses No retail investors no bonus?

  7. Adam Aron says settling for $100M was right I say he settled because he knows APE was wrong

    Adam Aron says settling for $100M was right I say he settled because he knows APE was wrong

  8. Adam Aron When will price of APE be added to price of AMC? You took value of AMC creating APE

    Adam Aron When will price of APE be added to price of AMC? You took value of AMC creating APE

  9. MULN CEO going on Charles Payne Thursday at 2pm to discuss naked shorting Imagine if Adam Aron went

    MULN CEO going on Charles Payne Thursday at 2pm to discuss naked shorting Imagine if Adam Aron went

  10. AMC is trading less than when the movies were closed Do you YES voters still support Adam Aron?

    AMC is trading less than when the movies were closed Do you YES voters still support Adam Aron?

  11. AMC Adam Aron handlers finally give him response letter to sign No mention of shorts covering Why?

    AMC Adam Aron handlers finally give him response letter to sign No mention of shorts covering Why?

  12. The bad actors used AMC Aron Aron to rob retail investors now they disparage his salary Why?

    The bad actors used AMC Aron Aron to rob retail investors now they disparage his salary Why?

  13. Owning the Float a Yes Voter Thinks AMC Adam Aron is being controlled by outside forces AMC MOASS

    Owning the Float a Yes Voter Thinks AMC Adam Aron is being controlled by outside forces AMC MOASS
