10 months ago[2010] Judy Mikovits suggests retrovirus (XMRV contamination) causes autism; not vaccination itselfHousatonicVerified
2 years agoCrimes Against Humanity Tour ~ Cross Examination of the Global Pandemic, Global Reset & Pathway to a Great AwakeningTruths UnlimitedVerified
2 years agoIt is possible that XMRV particles were present in virus stocks cultured in mouse cellsRefugeOfSinners
10 months agoEp 260.6: AIDS = CFS? HIV, HTLV-1, XMRV; Mikovits gallo levy DeFreitas more its all retroviruses broHousatonicVerified
2 years agoAgency heads are scared to death of how the patient population will react if XMRV works outRefugeOfSinners
10 months agoInterview w/ Judy Mikovits and Annette Whittemore (WPI) about XMRV [2009, Oct 8] Nevada NewsmakersHousatonicVerified
1 year agoMr and Mrs McCloskey joins Silk to discuss what really happened between them and the BLM Mob.Diamond and SilkVerified
6 years agoStuff Mom Never Told You: The Surprising Reason Why Married Women Are MrsHowStuffWorks_Lifestyle