14 days agoThe Public Has a Right to Know That the Moon Is a Plasma Phenomenon and Map of the Larger Flat EarthLiberty TV
15 days agoAn Expedition beyond the Antarctic Ice Wall Has Discovered a Castle with Ancient Technology, REALLY?Liberty TV
1 month agoThe Controllers Are Running the DIVERGENT Experiment to Identify the Saviors of Humanity (Theory)Liberty TV
20 days agoAE/Gleason-Map Gatekeepers Help the NWO Cabal to Hide Atlantis, Lemuria, Pangea, N Pole Shift & MoreLiberty TV
1 month agoThe Book of Enoch Was Not Included in the Bible to Hide 4-Quarter Flat Earth & Macroclimate Change!?Liberty TV
1 month agoTrump Is "False Light" until He Comes Clean on Hiding the Flat Earth and FE Map on the Plasma MoonLiberty TV
23 days agoDAMAGE-CONTROL Fake Lunar Missions to Hide the Fact That the Moon Is Plasma and a Flat-Earth MapLiberty TV
20 days agoLike the Moon That Mirrors Earth, the "Planets" Venus and Mercury Mirror the Flat Planes Below ThemLiberty TV
17 days agoThe GREATEST DISCOVERY in the Flat-Earth Community: The Moon Is Plasma and a Larger Flat-Earth Map!Liberty TV
15 days agoThe TRUE Flat-Earth Map Reveals the Locations of “Antarctica” Stations at Lemuria, Atlantis & PangeaLiberty TV
7 months agoGREAT REVIEW OF WORLD MAPS: Google Map, Mercator Map, AE/Gleason Map, German Map and Plasma-Moon MapLiberty TV
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