Reptilian on a Plane.. Woman Freaks Out! — WE in 5D Comments: IT'S ALWAYS ABOUT RESONANT FREQUENCY.. Here are the Details on Frequency + Where Does Satanism Vs. Luciferianism Vs. Krystic Consciousness Fall in This?
MAJOR UPDATE On Humanity's Consciousness: EMERGENT "C" — Jean Nolan of "Inspired" | Happy S🌞NDAY of "Worship" (AKA Trauma + Drama/Ancient PsyOp of Self-Induced Self-Hatred)
The Rapture/Great Solar Flash — Nostradamus Effect (S1E12) | WEin5D Tips: 1. FLASH is Perspective, 2. YOUR Christ Consciousness is Your Divine Protection (Not an Archetype—SO DO THE WORK), 3. You're Living the Tribulations NOW—You're Fine!