7 months agoOlavo de Carvalho • Nova Ordem Mundial moldou você (Seminário de Filosofia) 2024,4,24 ⚜️👀🔥Entering the rabbit hole
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2 years agoTucker Carlson (FOX NEWS) Anthony Fauci - We don't know the effects of vaccines - PT-BR (2022,9,19)Entering the rabbit hole
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2 years agoElections 2022 Brazil Was Stolen - A Bug's Life (1998) Truth Warrios BR - PT-BR (2022,11,20)Entering the rabbit hole
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1 year agoPresidenteQueFaz ! Oh Ninho, Venha cá ! Ministra da Educação de Lula (2023,1,18)Entering the rabbit hole
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