Dr. Stella | Is Jesus Coming Back Soon? READ: 2nd Peter 3:8, Psalms 90, Hosea 6:1-2, Exod 19:11, Rev 13:5, 2nd Thess 2:9-11, “Be Not ignorant of This One Thing, That One Day Is As a Thousand Years."
John Rich | "Read What the Bible Has Says About It, & If They Are Opposed to It, Then They Are Wrong & They Are Basically Against the Ultimate Truth (The Bible)." + Neuralink, Peter Thiel, Human-A.I. Symbiosis, Musk & Rev 17:13
Dr. Stella Immanuel | The ULTIMATE Bible Study Including- Daniel 2-43 (A.I. / Transhumanism), Rev 6-6 (Hyper-Inflation), Rev 2-10 (Persecution of Patriots), Matthew 24 (Famines) & Revelation 13-16-18 (Mark of the Beast)
Elon Musk | "There Will Come a Point Where No Job Is Needed. The AI Will Be Able to Do Everything. It's Both Good & Bad. How Do We Find Meaning In Life If You Have a Magic Genie That Can Do Everything?" + Rev 18:22
Nimrod | What Is Connection Between Nimrod / Gilgamesh, Tower of Babel, Gilgamesh Project, Drying of Euphrates, Transhumanism, Hillary Clinton FOIA Emails, Daniel 7, Rev 16:12-14 & Yuval Noah Harari's Great Reset Agenda?
Elon Musk | "Maybe That Should Be One of the Tests for the AI (Artificial Intelligence), Blank Is Your Favorite James Cameron Movie? Fill In the Blank." + "AI Doesn't Have to Be Evil to Destroy Humanity." - Elon Musk + Rev 18:22
Bo Polny + Dr. Stella | Countdown to War? Mark 13, Matthew 24 & Luke 21 Fulfilled? Petrodollar Ends? House Automatic Military Draft Bill for Ages 18 to 26 + Wars, Famines, Pestilences, Earthquakes? + Rev 13:14 + Daniel 2:43
Epoch Times' Nathan Su Reporting: Ships from Russia's Pacific Fleet & Chinese Vessels Conducted Exercises In Sea of Japan + REV 16: 12-14 Happening Now? + Turkey & 81.5% of Nations Seek to Join BRICS
Mark of the Beast | "How Is the Mark of the Beast Described In the Bible?" - Joe Rogan | What's the Connection Between Yuval Noah Harari, Nimrod, Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh Project, Rev 16: 12-14 & Gen 10 & 11 & Daniel 7?
Elon Musk | "What Is My Philosophy? I Read Hitchhikers to the Galaxy...Earth It Turns Out Is a Big Computer & Its' Goal Is to Answer the Question What Is the Meaning of Life? Earth Comes Up With the Answer 42." + Rev 11, 13 & Dan 13
Federal Reserve | What Is the Federal Reserve (Chuck Missler Teaches)? How Fed Reserve Impacts Us? Lincolns & JFK's Death? Money, Rothschilds & Karl Marx + Fed Reserve Not Federal? 1913 Fed Reserve Act + Bail-Ins? Rev 6: 5-6