Re-Upload: As The Anti-Christ Prepares To Ascend To His White House Throne, A Multi-Media Presentation To Warn The Wicked and Prepare The Saints: Trump vs The 144,000
Rabbi Calls on Trump To Implement Noahide Laws, Gaetz Freemason Roots, Trump Partners with Bill Gates Funded Global Vaccine Alliance, Striking Similarities Between Christ's Family Tree & Trump's Family Tree
Spirit Cooker and High Level Satanist Marina Abramovic Praises Donald Trump, Identifies Trump As The Great Magician That Will Usher In The Chaos Needed To Bring About The Age of Aquarius -- Why Is Marina So Overjoyed Trump Will Be President?
Rabbi Declares Trump Will Build 3rd Temple During His 2nd Term, Tulsi Gabbard High Satanic Witch Appointed As Director of National Intelligence, Trump's Freemason Handshake With Fellow Freemason Biden, China Launches An ICBM Into International Waters
Kirk's Rumors About Biden Emergency, Replica of Ark of Covenant At Trump's House, The Crypto-AI-Luciferase-Mark of the Beast Connections, Trump Announces Fink As Future Treasury Sec, Kamala The Lotus Flower in I Pet Goat II & The Cabal