Josef Mengele, Trained Major Programmers in the System/Luciferian Brotherhood + Neuralink, Cannot Be Trusted! + Elon Musk, Family Background, Jessie's Affidavits (see links to 3 PDFs in the video description)
Keep Our Minds on the War Against the Luciferian Brotherhood + Child Trafficking + Veterans and Survivors + Online Course (Now Multiple Courses, see, Link Below)
Kleenex, Corn Flakes, Cadbury's Logo, 666 + The Rooster Represents the Reflection Room Where Masons Engage with Demonic Spirits + Luciferian Brotherhood Members Send Each Other Signals and Support Each Other
King James Version is the Luciferian Brotherhood's Bible, Masons, Misleading Translations, Agape vs Charity, Compare with the New American Standards Bible