1. TNT 17 Human Trafficking and Sex Trafficking Today's Slavery Discussion and Information Part 2

    TNT 17 Human Trafficking and Sex Trafficking Today's Slavery Discussion and Information Part 2

  2. Positioning for Pentecost 2020 Day 7 of 14 New Wine, Drunk in the Holy Spirit, Outpouring, Freedom

    Positioning for Pentecost 2020 Day 7 of 14 New Wine, Drunk in the Holy Spirit, Outpouring, Freedom

  3. Worship and Intercessory Prayer Healing Anointing meeting with Pastors David and Michelle White

    Worship and Intercessory Prayer Healing Anointing meeting with Pastors David and Michelle White

  4. Mother's Day special time in celebration and love for Moms and Grandmas feel the love!

    Mother's Day special time in celebration and love for Moms and Grandmas feel the love!

  5. Falling From Grace (1992); Super Deep Movie Analysis with Lec Zorn

    Falling From Grace (1992); Super Deep Movie Analysis with Lec Zorn

  6. Awakening and Revival Preparing the way of the Lord Teaching on Reformation Early Service 20200823

    Awakening and Revival Preparing the way of the Lord Teaching on Reformation Early Service 20200823

  7. Awakening and Outpouring What is Coming to the Church Sunday Late Service 20200816

    Awakening and Outpouring What is Coming to the Church Sunday Late Service 20200816

  8. Awakening and Revival Preparing the way of the Lord Teaching on Reformation Late Service 20200823

    Awakening and Revival Preparing the way of the Lord Teaching on Reformation Late Service 20200823

  9. Awakening and Revival Historic and Modern Day Experiences Early Service 20201004

    Awakening and Revival Historic and Modern Day Experiences Early Service 20201004

  10. Easter Sunday 2020 Resurrection Life He Lives Communion Celebration Pastors David and Michelle White

    Easter Sunday 2020 Resurrection Life He Lives Communion Celebration Pastors David and Michelle White

  11. Positioning for Pentecost 2020 Day 4 of 14 Prophetic Background Revealing Holy Spirit in Scripture

    Positioning for Pentecost 2020 Day 4 of 14 Prophetic Background Revealing Holy Spirit in Scripture

  12. Positioning for Pentecost 2020 Day 3 of 14, Background and History Jewish and Christian Traditions

    Positioning for Pentecost 2020 Day 3 of 14, Background and History Jewish and Christian Traditions

  13. Positioning for Pentecost 2020 Day 12 of 14 Empower, Embolden, Strengthen through the Holy Spirit

    Positioning for Pentecost 2020 Day 12 of 14 Empower, Embolden, Strengthen through the Holy Spirit

  14. Sunday Morning Service 10:30 AM 20200531 Pentecost Historic and Prophetic Worship and Message

    Sunday Morning Service 10:30 AM 20200531 Pentecost Historic and Prophetic Worship and Message

  15. Prayer and Intercession with Spirit Filled Worship Every Hidden Thing Come To Light Expose Reveal

    Prayer and Intercession with Spirit Filled Worship Every Hidden Thing Come To Light Expose Reveal

  16. 2021 Victory Is Mine #1 202WON A Year Of Triumphant Overcoming Breakthrough 20201227

    2021 Victory Is Mine #1 202WON A Year Of Triumphant Overcoming Breakthrough 20201227
