1. Why pay for sweet potato slips; make your own for free on the homestead...

    Why pay for sweet potato slips; make your own for free on the homestead...

  2. Full Spectrum Preparedness: Water fundamentals and aspects to consider

    Full Spectrum Preparedness: Water fundamentals and aspects to consider

  3. Self Reliance Festival day two morning update -quick update

    Self Reliance Festival day two morning update -quick update

  4. Potato bag review, container gardening and gardening book review (re-mastered)

    Potato bag review, container gardening and gardening book review (re-mastered)

  5. Homestead Security - OpSec Steps 1 and 2; Identify Critical Information and Threats

    Homestead Security - OpSec Steps 1 and 2; Identify Critical Information and Threats

  6. Self Reliance Festival - There and back again...my thoughts

    Self Reliance Festival - There and back again...my thoughts

  7. Homestead Security: OpSec Step 5 Application of Appropriate OpSec Measures

    Homestead Security: OpSec Step 5 Application of Appropriate OpSec Measures

  8. The Detroiter; a homestead canning gold mine! Believe it, or not...

    The Detroiter; a homestead canning gold mine! Believe it, or not...

  9. Homestead Basic Construction Hacks: Purlins, sub facia, facia and soffits

    Homestead Basic Construction Hacks: Purlins, sub facia, facia and soffits

  10. Fencing makes good neighbors; especially with goats and sheep

    Fencing makes good neighbors; especially with goats and sheep

  11. Homesteading should be the end goal for every prepper...

    Homesteading should be the end goal for every prepper...

  12. Self Reliance Festival so much fun. Thank you Nicole and Mama Sauce from Living Free In TN!

    Self Reliance Festival so much fun. Thank you Nicole and Mama Sauce from Living Free In TN!

  13. An inexpensive chicken dinner that will stretch your pantry budget

    An inexpensive chicken dinner that will stretch your pantry budget

  14. If high prices leave you with sticker shock, here is an easy way to save some on your grocery bill.

    If high prices leave you with sticker shock, here is an easy way to save some on your grocery bill.
