COVID-19 Vaccines | "Two of the Countries Which Were Most Successful In Getting Good Coverage of Vaccination Based This Not At All On Getting Their Citizens to Try to Understand the Science." - Professor Leptin
America First Vs. The Great Reset | "Regulation Is Stealth Taxation. Unelected Bureaucrats Have Imposed Crushing Anti-Business Regulations On Our Citizens. As President I Will Always Protect the Interests of Our Country." - President Trump
CBDCs | "Everything You Do, Everything You Say and Everything You Buy Is Controlled and Evaluated by the Authorities. It's Not Science Fiction. In China It's a Reality. From Now On Citizens Lives Are Rated and Assessed." - France24
Dr. Judy Mikovits | Citizens Alert!!! "The World Health Organization (The W.H.O.) May Dictate Healthcare Worldwide | What Is the WHO? What Is the CDC? Why Did the CDC Once Recommend DDT?