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COVID-19 Shots | "Risk for Myocarditis Is Greater Than the Benefit of the Vaccine Products." - Kirk Milhoan, MD, PhD + "Fourth Industrial Revolution Is That It Changes YOU If You Take the Gene-Editing." - Klaus Schwab
Breanna Teams Up With Crowder's MugClub: Minor Having Sex With A Convicted Murderer; Judge Threatens Media Outlet - Michael Leahy; CA'S $20 Minimum Wage - JD Rucker; Economic Update - Dr. Kirk Elliott | The Breanna Morello Show
COVID-19 Shots | "These Vaccines Cannot Work, They Will Fail & Are Failing." - Paul Alexander, PhD | "You Can Basically Do Anything With Synthetic mRNA.You Could Turn Someone Into a FREAKIN' BUTTERFLY If You Want to." - Elon M