10 months agoOh he went there and connected Michelle Obama to the Brigitte Macron story. Lmao.shoopdoggy
6 months agoOfficial Gov't Docs Prove Brigitte Macron Is a Male Pedophile - Media BlackoutMyCatholicRedPill
19 days agoBrigitte Macron was identified in an old video about transgender people. Her name was VeroniqueTruthseekers17
6 days agoOfficial Testimony Exposes 'Transgender' Brigitte as Emmanuel Macron's Biological FatherPatriots Base
6 days agoOfficial Testimony Exposes 'Transgender' Brigitte as Emmanuel Macron's Biological Father.Nesara Gesara
6 days agoOfficial Testimony Exposes 'Transgender' Brigitte as Emmanuel Macron's Biological FatherMyCatholicRedPill
25 days agoPiers Morgans bets Candace Owens $100,000 that Brigitte Macron is a womanAisling O'Loughlin News
2 days agoRévélations : Le Premier Époux De Brigitte MACRON, Perruque et Réunions ConfidentiellesAirmeet
25 days agoCandace Owens signals to show her Brigitte Macron transvestigation is a psyopAisling O'Loughlin News
26 days agoCandace Owens muove gravi accuse alla first lady francese Brigitte Macron: è davvero un uomo?FrancescoMarras
1 month agoThe Transgender Trap: Why Brigitte Macron and Michelle Obama are women!Aisling O'Loughlin News
1 month agoI have NEVER seen another woman sit down like France’s First ‘Lady’ Brigitte Macron doesTalkToTheBody