Walmart to cut jobs, relocate some employees to main hubs/ USAID ‘Care Packages’ Found with Hezbollah Weapons in Lebanon/Illinois House Republicans demand Pritzker cut migrant services
Leftist Podcaster Says ‘I’ll Drink Cyanide’ Live on Air if Trump Wins/Transgender Woman Sues Hooters For Rejecting Waitress Job Application On ‘Personality’ and ‘Image’ Grounds/Democrat Professors Outnumber Republican Professors by 28 to 1 a
ISRAELITES(SO CALLED BLACK MEN) TOOK OVER THE ROMAN EMPIRE FROM 96 AD to 1453 AD….Job 9:24 KJV🕎 1 Maccabees 3:48 “And laid open the book of the law, wherein the heathen had sought to paint the likeness of their images.”
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