U.S. & NATO Bomb Russia—Putin Responds Revealing Plans to Attack Europe (For Starters) | WE in 5D: Friday Livestream @ 7PM EST—Why Nuclear War WON’T Happen, But "Little Boy" A-Bombs Are Possible, + Your Best Course of Action with That!
Putin Warns NATO "Stop Now!" and Sends Russian Navy to Cuba + Other News. | WE in 5D: Friday Livestream @ 7PM EST—Why Nuclear War WON’T Happen, But "Little Boy" A-Bombs Are Possible, + Your Best Course of Action w/ That!
Tucker Carlson ADMITS IT—America is Doing Evil Things. The ONLY Thing That is "The Best" About it IS IT'S PHILOSOPHY. In Action IT IS EVIL. | #Finally #ThereHeSaidIt #SomeoneHadTo